Control of Early Chick Mortality & Stress Management during Summer with GROX
Control of Early Chick Mortality & Stress Management during Summer with
In simple terms, any deviation from normal routine is called the stress. There are several reasons for stress and poultry always exposed to stress conditions which are due to various causes listed below.
1. Seasonal impact
2. Management causes
3. Nutritional causes
4. Disease causes
Seasonal impact: The summer is the worst seasor which causes heat stress and early chick mortality Stress management during summer is always challenging. Global warming impact is clearly seen and every year farmers suffers heavy losses especially during summer.
Management Causes: High brooding temperature low brooding temperature, starvation, inadequate feeders and drinkers, high relative humidity; poor brooding conaltio”s” conditions: All those listed reasons cause severe stress and cause co heavy heavy morality in chicks and even in adult birds.
Nutritional Causes: Water: Water is one of the essential elements for maintaining the health and performance of the birds. It not only acts as a transport medium for nutrients and metabolic eng products but also it helps in maintaining body temperature during hot weather. Besides, water balances the minor deficiency of minerals like Na Cl, K, etc. Unhygienic water causes high mortality.
Vitamins deficiencies: Vitamins are very essential parts of poultry diets. They take part in vital bodyprocesses like rnetabolism, growth and development, reproduction, repair of worn-out tissues; they serve as antioxidants, take part in enzymatic actions, etc.
Diseases: As the immune system is not fully developed at hatch, chicks are particularly susceptible to several viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections. High mortality rates during the first week tend to be very common in poultry productions because of omphalitis, respiratory tract infections, airsacculitis, and septicemia etc.
Probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotic, and postbiotics
Currently, different microorganisms are being used to reduce mortality during first week and protect the gastrointestinal tract. Positive effects of these products have been described in the performance and gut health of chickens. Beta Glucan is known to enhance immunity and bioactivity by promoting secretion of cytokines, activating macrophages, natural kiler cells and neutrophils, and have antitumor, antibacterial and antiviral effeets (Brown and Gordon, 2005).
Role of MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane: MSM is the buzz word in stress management in not only poultry but in human beings too. it’s one of the super foods as antioxidant and typical stress controlling factor especially in young chicks and even in adult birds.
Control of Early Chick Mortality & Stress with
Birds have limited body resources for growth reproduction, response to environmental changes & defense mechanism. Birds are subjected to frequent stress factors listed above. Therefore stress management plays a crucial role to get optimum performance. To address these critical issues, GLOCREST introduced its flagship product to control EARlY CHICK MORTALITY & STRE55 named with following composition
is complete product to address all the stress factors and help to control earty chick montality. During summer it could be aRamban’ solution. Pluse it to know it. Basically, it is considered as ORS Oral Rehydration Solution.
In some of the trial reports (can be provided on demand), it has been observed that there was 0.25-0.5% saving in morality & there was 15-20g extra body weight in first 10 days agalnst thelr normal routine products which could result approximate 100g extra body weight at the time of culing, In nut shell, is complete package to manage summer stress and controlling earty chick morality and stress conditions in chicks and adult birds too It can be given 1g/lit water or can be also added in 1kg/ton of feed. However, drinking water application can give instant results.